Modern Slavery Act
The Modern Slavery Act - Group Statement
“Henry Boot PLC and its group companies welcome the introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Act").
The aim of the Act is in line with our own ‘Henry Boot Way’ Vision and Values, as updated in 2017, which include ‘Respect’, ‘Integrity’ and ‘Collaboration’, all of which are relevant to our approach as set out in this document. For this reason, we applaud any measures which seek to bring about greater transparency and scrutiny into our various supply chains, in order to combat slavery and trafficking activities. In accordance with the legislation, this Statement takes into account the introduction of various measures throughout our supply chain management from 2016 onwards, with the aim of reducing the risk of slavery and trafficking activities being present within our business operations. It also sets out additional activities to be carried out throughout 2018 to add greater rigour and scrutiny to those measures.
We look forward to working with our partners, contractors and suppliers to bring any necessary changes into effect, and then to review their effectiveness and consider any changes or additional measures which such a review highlights. We are committed to improving our practices through these initial activities, and through improvements identified in future years, to combat slavery and human trafficking.”
Henry Boot PLC
Tim Roberts
Chief Executive Officer